a success story of sorts

Patrick McKnight pem at alumni.nd.edu
Wed Feb 27 00:47:45 GMT 2008


I know this list tends to get users asking for help but I figured as a
change of pace I might throw in a recent success story.  My lab has several
thin clients (8 in total) and a few were not working well at all.  The ones
that were problematic were the DevonIT NTA boxes (6020P).  I liked those
boxes because they were small but the fans were noisy and they kept
crashing.  One of you helped me diagnose that the via chipset in xorg was
likely to blame for the poor video performance and perhaps for the
instability.  Well today I swapped out the NTA boxes with old, castaway Dell
GX270 machines.  Now I realize these boxes have gigabit and intel graphic
cars but the performance on these boxes just blew away the performance on
any other box.  I mean blew them away.  Everything works including streaming
video, virtualization of Windows, and graphic manipulation.  These things
crashed the NTA boxes regularly.  So now everything works perfectly (minus
the usb drive unmount but that will have to wait until the Hardy upgrade)
and I am feeling grateful for all of your help and suggestions.  Thanks for
all the help in figuring out the edubuntu setup and configuration.  Between
this list and the IRC channel, I was helped at every point.  I really
appreciate it and now am happy to return to work where my students can be


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