[SOLVED]booting thin clients and firestarter

DB Clinton dbclin at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 02:25:51 GMT 2008

After nearly two weeks of agony trying to figure out why my thin clients
simply wouldn't boot (and what on earth it could have to do with
Firestarter), I emailed an IT consultant (Gerald Butler -
http://bffoss.com/bff/ to be precise) and asked for a professional
consultation. He didn't have any time for that, but he still offered some
ideas, one of which was to look at my switch (a simply 5-port Gigafast) as
it sounded like it could be blocking ICMP packets. Thinking about that, I
walked over to my switch and pulled its adapter plug, figuring I'd reset it.
That did it. Instant network! I still don't know exactly what went wrong.
But then, I don't really much care either.
Thanks again for all the help from this forum...I've learned an enormous
amount about Edubuntu from every step!
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