Testing Hardy Alpha 4

Asmo Koskinen asmo.koskinen at arkki.info
Mon Feb 4 20:35:04 GMT 2008

Asmo Koskinen kirjoitti:
> http://wiki.ubuntu-fi.org/Ubuntu_8.04_Alternate_%28x86_64%29

All the screenshots are from thin client.

If I got full 32-bit Ubuntu 7.10 with LTSP5, I can use Flash (with 
sound) and Java (on the important educational site).

Flash - http://www.arkki.info/howto/Wiki/LTSP5_64/Alpha4_64/Firefox32_04.png
Java - http://www.arkki.info/howto/Wiki/LTSP5_64/Alpha4_64/Firefox32_05.png

If I use 32-bit Firefox inside 64-bit Hardy Alpha 4, I can use Flash 
(with sound on the server, not on the client).

Flash - http://www.arkki.info/howto/Wiki/LTSP5_64/Alpha4_64/Firefox32_01.png
Flash - http://www.arkki.info/howto/Wiki/LTSP5_64/Alpha4_64/Firefox32_02.png

Java is not working on the important educational site - Java is 
installed on the 32-bit Firefox on the 64-bit hardy Alpha 4.

Java - http://www.arkki.info/howto/Wiki/LTSP5_64/Alpha4_64/Firefox32_03.png

This educational site (our town, population over 30 000, has bought that 
service to the all pupils in the town) use Html, Java, Flash and Shockwave.

On the 32-bit Edubuntu I can handle three of them directly and shockwave 
by Wine/FF.

But on the 64 -bit Edubuntu I can handle only two of them, no luck for 
Java or Shcokwave (maybe with 32-bit Wine/FF, but that option has too 
many steps...).

You can test your own browser here for that educational site:


When I got Duo Core Xeon servers I really like to use them on the 64-bit 
environment. On my own office I can do that (we do not need Flash or 
Java), but on the schools they need Flash and Java - so I have to run 
32-bit Edubuntu on the 64-bit machine.

To me that service is almost as bad as Live at Edu...

Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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