iTalc configuration

Asmo Koskinen asmo.koskinen at
Mon Dec 1 16:44:06 GMT 2008

Sergio Dicandia kirjoitti:

> Should I enable something on the thin clients ?

I'm not using iTalc in any production environment, but today I did try 
it after your message:

I did re-write my howto (in finnish):

Few caveats...

- Update chroot same as in server, use same sources.list in both
- Install italc-client in chroot, not italc-master
- Install italc-master in server, ssh-keys are ok after installation
- To me Fullscreen Demo and Windows Demo did not work
- Lock, message, view, support etc seems to work just fine

I did have only one thin client (Eee 701).

I hope I'm not misleading you; maybe someone has more detailed howto 
somewhere for LTSP5/Ubuntu 8.04.1...

Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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