Simple Word processor

nigel barker tech at
Sat Apr 26 11:53:42 BST 2008

IMHO Abiword offers nothing over OOo. There are no drawing tools, for 
example, and the wrap options have no graphical indicator. Sure, it 
loads faster on a normal computer, but on a thin client the difference 
is negligible. Then once you are in, you have a full adult word processor.
I posted a request bug on abiword a few years ago about skinning it to 
be child friendly. I think this is an area where Linux is weak. 
Something like storybook weaver or creative writer is what we need.
I start using OOo in grade 2. Before that I use kolourpaint with 
templates that I create, then kids have to select sentences and move 
them around, or type a few words in the right place. Unfortunately, text 
boxes don't wrap.

I wonder if  a skinned abiword (like the OLPC word processor) could make 
its way into gcompris or something like that?
Does anyone know how to get OLPC apps on normal linux?


Joseph Ollis wrote:
> Munroe wrote:
>> I am looking at edubuntu, however, I need a simple interactive word 
>> processor for K thru 2nd grade.  I looked at some of the documentation 
>> but didn't see anything like that, but I could be wrong.
>> - Munroe
> IMHO - I have used abiword with 1st & 2nd graders and it works fine. For 
> Kindergarten students word processing is a dexterity challenge so I 
> would start by spending a lot of time in ktouch, etc.. before attempting 
> word processing.
> JO

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