Clear the desktop settings on a stand alone Edubuntu Client

Charles Austin ceaustin at
Thu Apr 10 12:50:52 BST 2008

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Rod G <rodcis87 at> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am somewhat familiar with Pessulus, but I am not sure it would do what I
> need it to do.  I want to set up one pc with Edubuntu on it at a public
> library in the childrens area.  But I want it to clear any changes to the
> desktop and bring it back up for the next patron to use...once it has been
> rebooted and/or cleared.  Is there a way to do this without going to the
> Thin Client options within Edubuntu?
I have not tried this, but it should be possible on a standalone
machine.  If you add a line to the /etc/rc.local file, you can remove
all the contents of the home directory (and any saved desktop

Just add
rm -rf /home/whateverUser
(where whateverUser is the username of your default login).

Any time the machine is rebooted, the home directory will be deleted,
and then SHOULD be re-created based on the contents of your /etc/skel


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