ltsp-build-client error

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Sep 25 11:23:01 BST 2007

Am Dienstag, den 25.09.2007, 12:00 +0200 schrieb Miguel �ngel Romo
> I have installed ltsp-server-standalone in Ubuntu Feisty and Guadlinex
> v4 (Ubuntu feisty based distribution).
> All works fine in Ubuntu but ltsp-build-client have the following
> error in Guadalinex v4:
various plugins of the ltsp build client script use the output of
lsb-release to determine the distro they run on (especially the dir to
look for plugins), does guadalinex change the lsb-release data ?
> In addition, --mirror option of the ltsp-build-client command doesn't
> exist in Guadainex v4 with the same version of ltsp packages than in
> Ubuntu (where the option is enabled).
> Anyone knows under what conditions --mirror option is disabled? 
its not disabled, the script loads plugins first from:
and then loads the vendor specific plugins from:
the 010-manage-mirror script in there is responsible for setting up a

check what the exact output of: lsb_release -i -s 
gives you on your server if thats not "Ubuntu" you can try to hardcode
that value at the top of /usr/sbin/ltsp-build-client just replace 
VENDOR=$(lsb_release -i -s) with:

no guarantee that helps though, we'll need to get support for guadalinex
properly into the package for next release i guess :)

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