Thank you Jim K

David Trask dtrask at
Fri Sep 21 14:26:49 BST 2007

"Jim Kronebusch" <jim at> writes:
>I have also seen some pretty decent discussion from the xorg mailing list
>on how this
>could be dealt with globally to not allow any application to crash the
>Xserver.  However
>this still won't keep OpenOffice running.  So I think next week I start
>OpenOffice mailing lists.  
>Anyhow I think things are finally looking up.

Jim, thanks for keeping on top of this issue and keeping us informed. 
Attaboy!  :-)  This is one of the true benefits of Open Source.  If you
were hounding'd have to take a number.  ;-)

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Director
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at

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