Thin clients freeze hard when out of RAM

Scott Balneaves sbalneav at
Mon Sep 17 16:12:07 BST 2007

Bryan Quigley wrote:
> I don't think running the firefox nightly will fix your problem.  
> However if you could somehow add XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps  to your 
> xorg.conf file it might fix the issue.

The XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps option seems to be only part of the proprietary
ATI video driver, and not a general parameter.  It won't have
any effect for people who aren't running the ATI driver on their thin
client, as far as I can see.


Scott L. Balneaves | "Eternity is a very long time,
Systems Department |  especially towards the end."
Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Woody Allen

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