OpenOffice insert graphics, print and sometimes save=frozen client

john lists.john at
Sat Sep 15 19:52:00 BST 2007

Hi all,

I am new to that part of Open Source/FREE Software where my feedback
is important. I have used Linux for a number of years and it mostly
just worked, and that made me a bit of a spectator. Now that I am
trying something more ambitious (integrating Edubuntu with AD, accross
a small school district), I realize that I need to learn to
participate usefully. So this is a learning curve for me. I suspect a
few others may be in a similar situation.

I have been experiencing many of the issues that others are reporting
here. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one. I was feeling
pretty dumb and bad. I can say categorically that Ubuntu 6.06/LTSP 4.2
was a more stable tool than Edubuntu 7.04.

That being said, IMO Edubuntu is a clear improvement over its
predessors in many ways (mangament, ease of installation, updating,
look and feel etc) and I believe that Edubuntu is going to get better
and better as time goes on. And I want to help contribute to its
improvement if I can.

Thanks to Scott for a list of the things he needs to know in order to

Here's what I need to know:

1. I need to know where to send this information. Please be specific.
To whom or where.

2. I would also like to second the request for a tool that would allow
us to check outstanding/already reported Edubuntu bugs or pointers to
where Edubuntu bugs are more generally Ubuntu bugs. Currently too much
of this information seems anectodal. If this place aleady exists
please let me know where. If it doesn't exist it needs to and the
sooner the better IMO.

In order for Edubuntu to be useful it must work, in order for it to
work we users must be able to collect and feed useful information to
devs. Having a central place where we can quickly check the "state" of
the project would be helpful to all, I believe.

As I mentioned before, I offer this feedback in a spirit of greatest
respect for the responsiveness and work of the developers and users on
these lists. I learn a lot from you all every time I read your emails
and I appreciate your efforts.


On 9/14/07, Scott Balneaves <sbalneav at> wrote:
> David Trask wrote:
> > Scotty....just an idea....any chance of a place to host a template with
> > the info you mentioned...similar to Bugzilla?  Just for Edubuntu?
> It's not a template, it's just common sense.  How does anyone possibly
> expect people to fix problems WITHOUT all that information, at a bare
> minimum?
> Every time you make a bug report, you should include ALL information
> about your setup, hardware, software, anything special you've done, etc.
> If someone wants to put it up on the wiki, by all means.
> Scott
> --
> Scott L. Balneaves | "Eternity is a very long time,
> Systems Department |  especially towards the end."
> Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Woody Allen
> --
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