edubuntu/firefox/pulse audio/flash = unusable

Philipp Hanselmann philipp at
Tue Sep 11 05:52:25 BST 2007

john schrieb:
> Hi all,
> We've been having all kinds of problems with sound/flash/firefox and Edubuntu.
> We can't seem to come up with a stable solution for making sound work
> with Flash9 under Edubuntu. I've followed  the Pulse Audio/Revolution
> Linux howto, fiddled with ESD and ALSA, etc. but no dice. if anyone
> can point me to a known working solution for flash9/sound/edubuntu
> 7.04 I'd be very pleased.
> We use online curriculum that requires flash 9 and sound to work and
> all the firefox/Desktop freezing and lockup and random firefox and/or
> flash misery  is a show stopper.  Edubuntu, for our school district at
> least, is not a working solution if that piece doesn't work out of the
> box or reasonably flawlessly with a straight ahead howto/fix.
> Hope this doesn't sound too negative.  I am trying to provide some
> feedback with the greatest respect for the developers who are working
> on Edubuntu and also with great appreciation for all of the help
> fellow Edubuntu users have shared with me.
> John
Install these 2 packages, after that, flash including sound should work.

apt-get install  flashplugin-nonfree
apt-get install libflashsupport

Edubuntu takes as default the soundserver pulseaudio. Just aktivate the 
sound in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf like this:

SOUND = True


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