Bug file against firefox for pixmap caches

Jim McQuillan jam at McQuil.com
Fri Sep 7 15:26:17 BST 2007

Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 06 Sep 2007, Jim Kronebusch wrote:
>> I have filed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/137764
>> If anyone would like to log in to the bug and submit confirmation it may help the
>> developers to take this seriously.  This is a huge problem, last week with random web
>> browsing by students we had at least 40 clients freeze all due to this problem.  The
>> clients froze with 128MB RAM and the default 32MB swap space.
> Thinking about it, I wonder is there an argument that this is actually an
> xserver bug more than a firefox one?  

It's both.  there's already a bug filed on Xorg for this.  I filed it 
almost 2 years ago.  But, the Xclients MUST behave properly when the 
Xserver refuses to allocate memory for them.

In fact, I think there should be 2 bugs filed for firefox.

1) when ram can't be allocated, deal with it gracefully

2) there should be an option to NOT cache so much stuff
    (opera and konq seem to have decent performance without
     all that caching)

Jim McQuillan
jam at Ltsp.org

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