Thin client problems

francois francois.barillon at
Thu Sep 6 21:21:14 BST 2007

Le jeudi 06 septembre 2007 à 12:58 -0600, Dave Cabot a écrit :
> 1) I can't seem to figure out how to configure the clients so that
> once a
> device has been loaded (cdrom, USB drive, etc) that the user can eject
> it.
> It doesn't show up as an option in the right-mouse-click menu, nor
> anywhere
> else I can see.  I've installed fuse-utils on the client side (sudo
> chroot
> /opt/ltsp/i386; apt-get install fuse-utils)
On a thin client, you don't need to warn the system before ejecting.

> 2) When I do insert a cdrom, music one in this case, I can't play it
> from
> any cd player. 
For the moment a thin client can read only data CD because there's no
low level decoder running in the thin client memory (ie installed in
the /opt/ltsp chroot).

People more clever than I am can correct if I'm wrong...


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