How to remove Firefox?

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at
Wed Sep 5 00:54:30 BST 2007

Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Dienstag, den 04.09.2007, 09:01 -0500 schrieb Jim Kronebusch:
>> Well after all the trouble I had with firefox I switched to Opera for now.  However when
>> I went to apt-get remove firefox I had a plethora of dependencies and was unable to
>> remove it without breaking a ton of apps.  Why is this? 
> everything that uses the gecko engine is compiled against firefox i.e.
> the gnome help viewer, so the only opportunity is to disable it in the
> menu, as you found out already.

can geco be its own package, or is that technically impossible/to hard?

> ciao
> 	oli

Karl Goetz
User of gNewSense: Free as in Freedom -
Australian Ubuntu users team -
User of Debian, The Universal Operating System -

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