URGENT: Can't go live with Feisty or Gutsy-Please help.

R. Scott Belford scott at hosef.org
Mon Oct 29 19:58:48 GMT 2007

Krsnendu dasa wrote:

> Gutsy: SMBLDAP doesn't work


Are you referring to using the smbldap installer script(1) to set up a 
server, or to configure your Edubuntu LTSP server so that it and its 
clients authenticate from one?  If so, all evidence points to their 
integration with Edubuntu.  The script at this link is compatible with 
some pretty dated distros - it does not inspire confidence, but it does 
seem to work.

However, I see from an earlier post that you asked

> Is Gutsy SMBLDAP-installer compatible? If not any eta?

I still get this error when trying to use the smbldap tools integrated 
with Edubuntu

hosef at liho-ltsp-g5:~$ sudo smbldap-userinfo scott
[sudo] password for hosef:
Unable to open /etc/opt/IDEALX/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf for reading !
Compilation failed in require at /usr/sbin/smbldap-userinfo line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/sbin/smbldap-userinfo line 10.

Reading the associated docs for these tools suggests that the package 
manager has left some final work to the end-user.  I stopped there.  I 
am feeling a bit lost and over my head in grasping the status of this 
all-important set of smbldap features.  How again does Skolelinux get 
this so right with its ldap integration?

What *does* work for configuring an Edubuntu workstation/server to 
authenticate from an existing smbldap server is to follow these steps 
recently tested and documented by Jim K.(2)

(1) http://majen.net/smbldap/

(2) http://www.1-cs.com/ubuntu_ldap_howto.txt


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