Gutsy-Dapper, mouse problem

guillermo gromerotw at
Thu Oct 18 03:08:12 BST 2007

This time I'm dealing with an old hardware, pentiun I
cpu. The PS/2 mouse connector and the printer port are
built in a pci card and connected to the mother board.

This pc working as a thin client with a dapper ltsp
server works fine. But if I used a gutsy server the
mouse doesn't move, everything else seems to be
working fine.

I have tried different possibilities in
/var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf without any

        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   =  
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     =  

There are two files attached to this mail, both copied
from the thin client at /etc/X11.
I'll appreciate any comments to this problem.

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