Crossover Ethernet Network

Joseph Ollis talk2ollis at
Wed Oct 17 15:34:45 BST 2007

> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:40:56 -0300 (ART)
> From: Emanuel <jeypar at>
> Subject: Crossover Ethernet Network
> To: edubuntu-users at
> Message-ID: <460318.95946.qm at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

>   Futhermore, using Samba to communicate the machine
> (which has instaled on it the Edubuntu Server) with
> one Windows XP machine, appeared an error 
> during file transfer: The Samba on the Edubuntu
> machine was configured to share the home directory
> with the XP machine. This worked well initially 
> but after transfered some gigabytes from the XP
> machine for the Edubuntu machine, surprisiling the
> Edubuntu machine in some moment  "locked". 
> After to restart (and even to shutdown) the Edubuntu
> machine the ethernet card wasnt recognized any more by
> the system!

Just a sanity  check, but maybe your nic went bad. I have had it happen 
before, and had tried to troubleshoot the software before realizing it 
was a hardware issue.

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