feisty freezing recently

maning sambale emmanuel.sambale at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 12:39:24 BST 2007


I hope somebody could help.  Recently, I have been experiencing random
freezes with feisty.  I cannot use Ctrl-Alt-Function, the mouse won't
move, music stops, it just completely frozen.  Sometimes it would
occur for about an hour or right after I login to GDM.  It's
completely random.

The only forum discussion I was able to use was
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75281.  I tried every apic
boot options discussed in the 32-bit, but all options freezes my PC.

I notice that most freeze occur when I'm on the internet.  I use a
dial-up connection using wvdial.  It freezes when I use firefox and
also using w3m (usually with a couple of tabs opened).  I notice that
my network manager detects my ethernet but I don't use it.  I'm
guessing that maybe my network manager is confused so I uninstalled
the network manager and I only use wvdial for my connections.  But it
still freezes my PC.

I have been reading the log files but I don't know which of the lines
reveal any errors.  One thing I notice is that the last log before it
froze was related to the Network Manager.  Something like:
NetworkManager: <debug info>^I[1191682891.022676]

Please help me solve this.  I've been using Ubuntu for sometime now
(badger to feisty).  But this is the only time I've experience this
random freezes.  I have been using the most recent upgrade of the
kernel 2.6.20-16.

I have linked my log files if it could help debug my problem:
It can be a bit frustrating but I will not give up on this.  Any help
would be appreciated.



| __.-._  |"Ohhh. Great warrior. Wars not make one great." -Yoda     |
| '-._"7' |"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden|
|  /'.-c  |Linux registered user #402901, http://counter.li.org/     |
|  |  /T  |http://esambale.wikispaces.com|
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