Edubuntu 7.10 DVD ISO corrupt?

endym at endym at
Wed Nov 28 16:25:16 GMT 2007

I haven't found a text mode installer on the desktop CD. Maybe this is new since 7.10?
If I'm wrong, please tell me!

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 08:45:13 -0700
> Von: "Jim Hutchinson" <jim at>
> An: "endym at" <endym at>
> Betreff: Re: Edubuntu 7.10 DVD ISO corrupt?

> On 11/26/07, endym at <endym at> wrote:
> > Unfortunately I can't use a torrent client at work and the internet
> speed at home is not the best!
> > Actually I have used the Server CD to made the installation in text
> mode, which works fine. Next steps will be to remove the LTSP stuff and add the
> educational programs from the Server Add-on CD.
> I might have missed something but doesn't the desktop install CD have
> a text mode and no LTSP? That's what I installed at home. That would
> save having to "undo" the LTSP.
> Jim

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