Fw: alternate dhcp

Jim Kronebusch jim at winonacotter.org
Tue Nov 27 19:22:22 GMT 2007

Forwarding, wasn't copied to the list.  Jim

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Anton Kaser <antonkaser at gmx.net>
To: Jim Kronebusch <jim at winonacotter.org>
Sent: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 00:21:23 +0100
Subject: alternate dhcp

no respone on similar threads let me try to hook on this one as it seems

I want to set up my Edubuntu System on DHCP working on Ports 1067/1068.
It worked fine under feisty but with the same porcedure, I get no
success under gusty.

The first DHCP-Reqest with the Boot Floppy works fine. On the 2nd one,
Booting the Client-Root , the System stopps with eth0 waiting forever
under Gusty.

Do you have any idea?? - I work on this for a month now!!


Am Montag, den 26.11.2007, 12:34 -0500 schrieb Jim Kronebusch:
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 08:42:00 -0500, Randall Swift wrote
> > "R. Scott Belford" <scott at hosef.org> writes:
> > >Randall Swift wrote:
> > >> How can I get into the system to check these settings? The server hangs
> > >> during boot at "loading kernel log daemon" and will not go any further.
> > >> Help. Thanks
> > >
> > >Press esc at Grub and choose rescue mode.  Make the changes, then type 
> > >init 5.
> > >
> > >--scott
> > 
> > I have checked everything and still no luck. It still hangs at "starting
> > kernel log daemon". I am starting to loose my hair. I was under the
> > impression that edubuntu 7.10 was suppose to come all ready to setup users
> > to authenticate to a seperate samba/ldap server. What happened? Is the
> > smbldap-insttaller not able to work with 7.10? I also tried Jim's How to.
> > I need to get this working ASAP or I am switching back to fedora. Sorry, I
> > needed to vent. Thanks for the help so far.
> I have updated the howtos.  There is http://www.1-cs.com/feisty_ubuntu_ldap_howto.txt
> and http://www.1-cs.com/gutsy_ubuntu_ldap_howto.txt.  The Gutsy version has a couple
> small changes in steps 8 and 10.  
> To fix your setup boot into recovery mode.  Run ldap-auth-config and answer the
> questions as in step 8 of the Ubuntu Gutsy howto.  The last question will be for
> encryption, choose md5.  Then verify /etc/nsswitch.conf settings as in step 9 (be
> certain files is before ldap), /etc/ldap.conf as in step 10, and /etc/ldap/ldap.conf as
> in step 11.  Then double check all 4 /etc/pam.d files as in step 12. 
> When you are certain everything is a match run "id username" at the command line where
> username is a valid user from your ldap server, and do the same with "getent passwd
> username".  The id command should spit out that username and all the groups they are
> part of.  And getent passwd should spit out the uid/gid and home directory locations. 
> Also you can run "getent group groupname" where groupname is a valid group on your ldap
> server.  If those work you should be able to login.  If not, something might be broken
> on your ldap server.
> Hope that helps,
> Jim
> -- 
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Jim Kronebusch
Cotter Tech Department

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