The Open Source Educator

David Trask dtrask at
Fri May 18 21:10:05 BST 2007

TOSE LIVES!  Tim resurrects the project!  :-)  Maybe the blog idea is much
better than the newsletter.  I'm game!  Wordpress is a good way to go, but
is there something that might be able to be organized a bit more like an
online magazine?  Or is that a dumb idea?  I'm willing to put the e-zine
together once the articles accumulate.  I wonder if anyone knows any of
the former TuxMag guys....maybe we could get ahold of their templates for
the e-zine?

"Timothy Hart" <timothy.hart at> on Friday, May 11, 2007 at 2:14 PM
+0000 wrote:
>Hello all,
>Let me first introduce myself. I am Tim Hart, a technology coordinator at
>a school in Maine (US for those who don't know where that is). We use
>Linux pretty heavily in my school and both the teachers and students have
>benefited from the goodness that Free and Open Source Software brings. 
>I send this email as an invitation to all that may be interested. About a
>year ago, a few people on the K12LTSP list started talking about creating
>a resource for teachers and techies involved with FOSS in education. Some
>ideas were thrown around but eventually it fell to the wayside. The main
>idea was to provide a downloadable PDF similar to Tux Magazine. 
>The idea has come up again and we are trying to push it into fruition
>this time around. Obviously this needs to be a team effort, so your input
>is both wanted and needed. Some of the leg work and structure has already
>been done. Going back through the list archives and remembering why it
>may have failed last time I think there was too much pressure of people
>creating the articles in Scribus and no one putting it all together. We
>can fix this however. 
>My idea this time around is to have a communal blog where individuals can
>author articles and publish them on the web. Once there are enough
>articles a few people (who want to) can work on putting the downloadable
>ezine together. The focus doesn't even have to be on a downloadable ezine
>either. Having a blog with multiple authors from all tech levels and
>physical regions would be a great resource for everyone involved with
>FOSS in schools. 
>There was some good discussion last time so I think there is a niche for
>something like this. So to get this thing started I have done some leg
>work (which is up for discussion as well).
>Doing this the easiest way, I created a blog at [
>] [ ]
> (soon to be [
> ] ).
>Wordpress is both easy to use and pretty powerful to boot (GRUB of
>course, ha, bootloader joke).
>I have also created a google group for discussion about TOSE and issues
>around FOSS in education. [ ]
> Again, I used googlegroups because
>it was easy. I like easy. I think that is a good thing here.
>We also have the wiki that Dave Trask set up last time around. I would
>suggest looking at that to see where we got to last time. [
>Please come and discuss how we get this project of the ground. If you
>would post this anywhere appropriate it would be appreciated. All others
>are welcome. Feedback is very welcome.
>To get involved just visit [
>] and see how. If you have any
>questions email me back.
>Tim Hart
>Glenburn School
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David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Director
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at

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