7.04 Install hangs on Toshiba Tecra M2

Dave Rockwell drockwell at rfkchildren.org
Fri May 18 14:28:58 BST 2007

LiveCD comes up fine, click on install and it hangs foreever, thrashing
the CD drive, displaying a blank white window titled INSTALL.
Only the EDUBUNTU 7.04 desktop i386 release behaves this way.
The KUNTUNTU 7.04 desktop i386 release installs fine.
I have tried several pieces of media and several different computers of
this model, all behave the same.
any ideas or workarounds?
David Rockwell - Information Technology Teacher
   RFK Children's Action Corp -Lancaster School
978-365-2805 fax 978-368-3066
 drockwell at rfkchildren.org
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