Configuring edubuntu server to serve wireless thin clients

David Ally david_ally at
Sat May 12 18:52:45 BST 2007


Has anyone implemented and able to configure Edubuntu server to serve thin clients with wireless network interface cards?

Will using any of the other booting methods apart from pxe booting be able to activate the wireless devices and able to load the necessary images on the thin clients?

Please help and let's get this possibilities.

Thank you all for the good works!


----- Original Message ----
From: "edubuntu-users-request at" <edubuntu-users-request at>
To: edubuntu-users at
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 12:00:02 PM
Subject: edubuntu-users Digest, Vol 12, Issue 17

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than "Re: Contents of edubuntu-users digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Stand alone system for 5-8 yr olds (Richard Weideman)
   2. Re: Stand alone system for 5-8 yr olds (Will van der Leij)
   3. Re: Stand alone system for 5-8 yr olds (Daniel J. Summers)
   4. The Open Source Educator (Timothy Hart)
   5. Re: The Open Source Educator (Tom Hoffman)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 13:09:55 +0200
From: Richard Weideman <richard.weideman at>
Subject: Re: Stand alone system for 5-8 yr olds
To: Rodney Schuler <rschuler at>
Cc: LIST edubuntu users <edubuntu-users at>
Message-ID: <1178881795.11489.669.camel at localhost>
Content-Type: text/plain

Hi Rodney,

Have you considered installing Edubuntu ?

It has some great education applications for your kids age group,
including the KDE Education suite, and a bunch of games.

You'll still have all of the Ubuntu goodness if you go this route, a lot
of our education team and community, including myself, use this for our
daily work.

Alternatively, you can just install the education packages into Ubuntu
using the Add/Remove programs menu item, and selecting the education and
games sub-section.

Let me know if you want a list of the standard apps we install with
Edubuntu. I can get this together early next week.


On Fri, 2007-05-11 at 00:20 -0500, Rodney Schuler wrote:
> My wife is director of a day care center.  Over the summer they will
> be having some more, older, kids.  She has asked me to set up a stand
> alone computer for the occasional entertainment of the 5-8 year old
> children.
> I have a 866Mhz P3 with 512MB ram with a 128MB ATI 9550 video card
> running ubuntu feisty.  My 8yr old daughter enjoys planet penguin
> racer on the machine so the performance should be acceptable for most
> games.  I was planning to set it up with an automatic logon and a
> bunch of game icons on the desk top.
> Is this a reasonable plan for children in the 5-8 age group?  Do you
> have any recommendation for games or edutainment packages that would
> be appropriate for 5-8 year olds?
Richard Weideman
+27 (83) 321-2233
richard.weideman at

Education Programme Manager
Canonical Ltd - Linux for Human Beings


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 14:09:22 +0200
From: Will van der Leij <will at>
Subject: Re: Stand alone system for 5-8 yr olds
To: Rodney Schuler <rschuler at>
Cc: LIST edubuntu users <edubuntu-users at>
Message-ID: <46445CF2.7070004 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

>> Is this a reasonable plan for children in the 5-8 age group?  Do you
>> have any recommendation for games or edutainment packages that would
>> be appropriate for 5-8 year olds?
Hi Rodney,
I can specifically suggest the gcompris suite which is bundled with
edubuntu and is in our repositories. It is worth taking a look at.

Will van der Leij


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 06:29:31 -0600
From: "Daniel J. Summers" <daniel at>
Subject: Re: Stand alone system for 5-8 yr olds
To: edubuntu-users at
Message-ID: <464461AB.10405 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Richard Weideman wrote:
> Alternatively, you can just install the education packages into Ubuntu
> using the Add/Remove programs menu item, and selecting the education and
> games sub-section.
> Let me know if you want a list of the standard apps we install with
> Edubuntu. I can get this together early next week.
I'd like to see that list.  :)  I recently installed Ubuntu, and I've 
added GCompris, TuxPaint, TuxMath, and TuxTyping, but I know that 
there's more than that.



Message: 4
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 14:14:07 -0400
From: "Timothy Hart" <timothy.hart at>
Subject: The Open Source Educator
To: edubuntu-users at
    <464c38cc0705111114p28a01574n93887ea3f893feba at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hello all,

Let me first introduce myself. I am Tim Hart, a technology coordinator at a
school in Maine (US for those who don't know where that is). We use Linux
pretty heavily in my school and both the teachers and students have
benefited from the goodness that Free and Open Source Software brings.

I send this email as an invitation to all that may be interested. About a
year ago, a few people on the K12LTSP list started talking about creating a
resource for teachers and techies involved with FOSS in education. Some
ideas were thrown around but eventually it fell to the wayside. The main
idea was to provide a downloadable PDF similar to Tux Magazine.

The idea has come up again and we are trying to push it into fruition this
time around. Obviously this needs to be a team effort, so your input is both
wanted and needed. Some of the leg work and structure has already been done.
Going back through the list archives and remembering why it may have failed
last time I think there was too much pressure of people creating the
articles in Scribus and no one putting it all together. We can fix this

My idea this time around is to have a communal blog where individuals can
author articles and publish them on the web. Once there are enough articles
a few people (who want to) can work on putting the downloadable ezine
together. The focus doesn't even have to be on a downloadable ezine either.
Having a blog with multiple authors from all tech levels and physical
regions would be a great resource for everyone involved with FOSS in

There was some good discussion last time so I think there is a niche for
something like this. So to get this thing started I have done some leg work
(which is up for discussion as well).

Doing this the easiest way, I created a blog at (soon to be
). Wordpress is both easy to use and pretty powerful to boot (GRUB of
course, ha, bootloader joke).

I have also created a google group for discussion about TOSE and issues
around FOSS in education. Again, I
used googlegroups because it was easy. I like easy. I think that is a good
thing here.

We also have the wiki that Dave Trask set up last time around. I would
suggest looking at that to see where we got to last time.

Please come and discuss how we get this project of the ground. If you would
post this anywhere appropriate it would be appreciated. All others are
welcome. Feedback is very welcome.

To get involved just visit and
see how. If you have any questions email me back.

Tim Hart
Glenburn School
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Message: 5
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 14:47:01 -0400
From: "Tom Hoffman" <tom.hoffman at>
Subject: Re: The Open Source Educator
To: "Timothy Hart" <timothy.hart at>
Cc: edubuntu-users at
    <92de6c880705111147p22d6945dvf47c83f2ab2b581c at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 5/11/07, Timothy Hart <timothy.hart at> wrote:

> My idea this time around is to have a communal blog where individuals can
> author articles and publish them on the web. Once there are enough articles
> a few people (who want to) can work on putting the downloadable ezine
> together. The focus doesn't even have to be on a downloadable ezine either.
> Having a blog with multiple authors from all tech levels and physical
> regions would be a great resource for everyone involved with FOSS in
> schools.

It occurs to me that we don't have a "Planet" aggregator for blogging
on free software in education.  I already write quite a bit on my
personal blog -- -- that I'd be happy to see
mixed in one way or another.



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