dhcpd setting for booting clients from a 4.2 server and a 5 server

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at gmail.com
Thu May 10 09:12:43 BST 2007


On Thu, 10 May 2007, Krsnendu dasa wrote:

> > NB: some PXE clients I've found ignore the next-server directive.  Just
> > something to watch out for -- particularly with an on-board network card
> > that does PXE.
> Unfortunately that is the case with my clients. It works fine for the
> vmclient but not the physical ones.
> Is there any way around that. Will using the group setting help?

If the PXE client ignores next-server, then I suspect it will always
attempt to download its kernel from the dhcp server that answered its
initial request.  

Our way around this (when it mattered) was to disable the existing network
card and put in a fully PXE-capable card.  I guess you could do that just
for one or two machines to get going.  Martin Herweg sells a card for Eur22
with a PXE-capable etherboot rom and the disklessworkstations guys sell
them too.


Given that you're just testing, you could put a second NIC in the server
and let the VM's DHCP server run on that NIC.  However, this means running
an entirely separate network for your testing edubuntu clients which is
probably not ideal.


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