Uprade to 7.04

tedmoore99 at satx.rr.com tedmoore99 at satx.rr.com
Wed May 9 23:49:20 BST 2007

Gavin:  Success!!

I ran the ltsp-update-sshkeys command, at least I throught I did, so I
ran it again and then rebooted again.  Everything came up fine this time.  

Apparently the first difficulties I had after doing the upgrade were
just that, difficulties caused by doing the upgrade.  From now on, I
burn a disk!!  Lesson learned.
Thanks again

> One of the standard reasons for this to fail is that the ssh keys 
> don'tmatch (eg if you might have change ip address or something).  
> To make sure
> this is not a problem run:
> 	sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys

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