dhcpd setting for booting clients from a 4.2 server and a 5 server

Krsnendu dasa krsnendu108 at gmail.com
Wed May 9 17:47:16 BST 2007

On 09/05/07, Gavin McCullagh <gmccullagh at gmail.com> wrote:

> We added a stanza for each host looking something like this:
>   host p8-04 {
>     hardware ethernet 00:0E:2E:75:A2:90;
>     fixed-address p8-04.mt;
This looks like ipv6 address. does it matter that the other ip
addresses in the dhcpd file use the older 192168.0.xxx style

> Our only problem in running two servers side-by-side with edubuntu versions
> was managing users.  We used NIS (as I knew it better than LDAP), but it
> meant that other admins got a little confused by which server they had to
> run the user-admin program from.  If you're not doing this in production
> with users, you probably won't have this issue though.
I am using smbldap. I will try installing on Edubuntu and see how it
goes runnning in parallel with K12LTSP.

Thanks for the tips.

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