Uprade to 7.04

tedmoore99 at satx.rr.com tedmoore99 at satx.rr.com
Sun May 6 15:05:55 BST 2007

I am running a small (12 terminals) system and have recently upgraded to
7.04.  Before upgrading the 12 terminals would connect in about 3 - 5
minutes.  Since the upgrade, only about three terminals come up in 3
minutes.  The rest seem to hang up and I have to reboot several times. 
After about one hour or more, all the terminals will eventually connect.
 Is there something about 7.04 that I am unaware of that might cause
this behavior.  The messages I get from the non-connecting terminals is
"Searching for DHCP", then "NO IP", repeated many times.

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