Edubuntu Feisty

Cedric Janssens decirc at
Wed Mar 28 07:51:31 BST 2007


Thanks for your interest.

What I want to produce as demo is based on the viability, workability
of a economical project.
I'm living in a "low revenue" area in Belgium and I'd like to propose
this solution for schools in the neighborhood.
For this I want to offer a full system (servers and if needed clients
and network and maintenance and installation) to my son's school.
After they will become a demo school for other one.

But even if it's free for the first school, there is a cost for them.

Investment in term of time to learn the new system, investment in term
of securisation of the room, etc...

So I need first to convince them.

To do this, I will first create a pseudo classroom at my office with 5
clients and a server.

This solution of pseudo classroom will also be used to demonstrate to
potential sponsors what they can subside to local schools.

Big project, could end in the trashcan, but we have a lot of will :-)


2007/3/28, Scott Ledyard <scott at>:
> Cedric,
> > I'm planning to deploy a demonstration classroom of Edubuntu server
> > with thin client.
> >
> Having followed this thread for a bit, I am interested in the context since
> I've seen some pretty crazy things become of demos. I'd like to know what
> would make for a *great* Edubuntu / LTSP demo. Maybe others can chip in from
> their successes / failures like Uwe did.
> Another thing that Uwe alludes to to predict expectations. His audience had
> positive responses that weren't ones I would have considered. (BTW, I'll
> have to try that unplug / replug trick!)
> I'm wondering what is it that you want to demonstrate? Is this demonstration
> to decision makers and, if so, what are they looking for? Speed?
> Compatibility with MS systems? Student productivity? Security? Do they even
> care if it's Linux?
> Hope I'm not prying, but I think this would be useful for me (and others?)
> in the future.
> Scott
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