
alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Mon Mar 5 13:29:20 GMT 2007

Farid Ansari wrote:
> * Dear Kubuntu users, *
> * I have the Kubuntu 6.10 on one computer and the new Kubuntu 7.04 on 
> another. *
> * I get a notification about available updates in the lower right side 
> of the task bar which states that 120 updates are available and when I 
> try to get these updates the size is about 253 M. This size is too large 
> for my not so fast cable connection. *
> * Would it be possible to do the updates in small sizes ? just like the 
> windows xp which allows you to select the updates which you want to 
> install. *


Have you considered the possibility of getting updates from a CD - 
which can be made somewhere else, and handed to you?
this might be worth considering:

I note that several packages need to be installed first to avoid 
errors on attempted installation:


alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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