Has anyone been able to make a filemanager window popup when a device is installed

Alfred Nutile alfred at rivervalleywebdesign.com
Mon Jun 11 11:49:43 BST 2007

Yes. And they work great BUT these endusers need to have a window pop  
up like when you put a cdrom on a local machine.  So nautilus for  
example should just pop up and show the contents of what ever you plug  

Alfred Nutile
River Valley Web Hosting/Design/Tech Support

Quoting Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com>:

> hi,
> Am Freitag, den 08.06.2007, 15:07 -0400 schrieb Alfred Nutile:
>> Ie insert usb stick or insert cdrom and get a window?
>> Thanks
> did you see https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EnableLTSP5LocalDevices ?
> ciao
> 	oli

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