Auto Logon Lab Computers
Gavin McCullagh
gmccullagh at
Thu Jun 7 21:23:52 BST 2007
On Thu, 07 Jun 2007, Joseph Ollis wrote:
> I have a edubuntu lab and love how the student control panel can logoff
> all the computers. Is there a way to write an auto-logon scrip that will
> login all the computers and will logon a specified user at a specified
> ip address?
I can think of two possible scenarios:
1. You can use a tool like the control panel to log in thin clients
remotely on demand. The thin clients don't log themselves in and are
available the rest of the time.
2. Thin clients login when you boot them to a specific account per machine.
Neither is available out of the box. However, a little hacking work should
be able to get you either.
You could modify ldm and the boot process a little so it would login
automatically if you specified a username and password in lts.conf. That
would be [2].
I suspect [1] would be a little more involved. You could install sshd on
the thin client chroot which would allow you control of it. Then there
would be a bunch of different ways to get a login started on the thin
All quite feasible though.
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