Dual boot (XP) best practice

Simon Ruiz sruiz at mccsc.edu
Wed Feb 28 23:08:15 GMT 2007

Hey, if it works it works!
Glad to hear you've accomplished your goal.


From: Michael Steigerwald [mailto:mikesteigerwald at gmail.com]
Sent: Wed 2/28/2007 2:14 PM
To: Simon Ruiz
Cc: edubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Dual boot (XP) best practice


I have met the enemy and he is me! Occam's Razor and I don't get along well.

The Reader's Digest version is that I reinstalled edubunu, but cleared the partition table and then preprended a FAT32 partition ahead of edubuntu. Most of the suggestions should have accomplished the same thing, but all's well that ends well. 

Thanks to all for joining me for my mental meandering.

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