Dual boot (XP) best practice

Michael Steigerwald mikesteigerwald at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 16:42:52 GMT 2007

I don't have a floppy drive, and it never seems to recognize the "boot USB
memory sticks" I've tried.

The next time I'm near a CD burner, I'm going to try the Hitachi site that
Robert suggested.

I think it's still under warranty, but it's going to be a while before I can
be in the same place as the computer and a phone long enough for a support
call during work hours. (I'm offsite at MySQL training). So, I'm
piece-mealing and flying by the seat of my pants until then.

On 2/28/07, Simon Ruiz <sruiz at mccsc.edu> wrote:
> Ugh. I know that, especially with SATA drives, sometimes you need to get
> drivers from the manufacturer and have them on a floppy disk (do you even
> have a floppy drive?) for the Windows Installer to be able to work with
> unrecognized hardware.
> A big PITA, if you don't mind me saying, but usually possible.
> Take a look at
> http://xphelpandsupport.mvps.org/how_do_i_install_windows_xp_on_a.htm
> Is the Installer CD you're trying to use some sort of recovery disc that
> came with the hardware? I'm guessing not, cause those should definitely have
> all the correct drivers on them.
> The other possibility is that you're having some form of hardware
> malfunction, if the CD that's supposedly custom-made for that hardware
> configuration (I'm assuming this, if you're getting a repair disc from
> Lenovo) is having issues with ram disk and crashing when you try to run the
> formatting tool.
> Out of curiosity, do you happen to still be under warranty? This is one of
> those situations where a little chat with the hardware providers might be
> worthwhile. They would probably be able to tell you whether this is some
> sort of hardware failure, or maybe it's an issue other owners of that
> hardware configuration have had before...
> Ubuntu installs and works flawlessly on it, you say? Score one for the
> home team.
> Sim?n
> ________________________________
> From: Michael Steigerwald [mailto:mikesteigerwald at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wed 2/28/2007 11:05 AM
> To: Simon Ruiz
> Cc: edubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Dual boot (XP) best practice
> FWIW, it's a SATA disk.
> I've downloaded the repair CD image from Lenovo and can boot from it.
> However, it complains about an error using RAM disk. It crashes whenever I
> try FDISK32. I wonder if the CD image is bad, so I'm going to try a fresh
> one.
> TIA for any additional suggestions.
> On 2/27/07, Simon Ruiz <sruiz at mccsc.edu> wrote:
>         You can find photos of the different connector types below:
>         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AT_Attachment - IDE
>         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SATA
>         If the Windows CD's fdisk can see the hard disk, though, it
> shouldn't be a driver problem. I haven't the slightest clue why the
> Installer wouldn't be able to see something Microsoft's fdisk can see...
>         Is there perhaps some form of "factory formatting" option in
> fdisk? I dunno, I'm grasping at straws here...
>         Simón
>         ________________________________
>         From: Michael Steigerwald [mailto: mikesteigerwald at gmail.com]
>         Sent: Tue 2/27/2007 3:01 PM
>         To: Simon Ruiz
>         Subject: Re: edubuntu-users Digest, Vol 9, Issue 20
>         Thanks for the complement.
>         I assume it's IDE, but I don't really know how to tell.
>         The fdisk I'm referring to is what I run from the installer
> command shell I get into from the Rescue a Broken System startup option.
> --
> Michael Steigerwald
> 4041 12th Ave S.
> Minneapolis, MN 55407-3239
> Steiger at UMich.edu
> 651.261.2098

Michael Steigerwald
4041 12th Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN 55407-3239
Steiger at UMich.edu
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