Edubuntu Server

Uwe Geercken uwe.geercken at
Wed Dec 26 21:29:42 GMT 2007

hello friends,

our school has a new computer room with a lot of windows pc's. after a  
lot of talking and patience, I can now move in and use it for my linux  
courses for the kids of 7th/8th class.

we have been working for nearly a year in a seperate classroom with  
lowend hardware, but now we can buy a good machine, place it in the  
computerroom and boot all clients from this edubuntu server. this is  
all tested with an old computer and works. I can now order the  
components for a new computer, but wanted to ask you for your input:

I know that the main components like lan, harddisk, ram and prozessor  
are important for the speed of the overall system. but I wonder if a  
quad-core system will give me superior performance. is edubuntu using  
the full power of such a prozessor and is this an optimal choice for  
serving aroung 10 pc's? or would it be better to use a dual core at a  
higher speed?

I planned for following system:
Intel Core 2 Quad 2,44 GHz
Gigabit LAN
Nvidia 8500 GT Grafic Card
500 GB Samsung Disc
Gigabyte Mainboard

thansk for any help or recommendation you can give. I plan to document  
everything very extensively, so that others might learn from this case.



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