Clients Freezing in 7.04 when Tuxpaint, Tuxmath or Gcompris are running.

Stephen McCullagh stevemccullagh at
Sun Dec 16 23:17:13 GMT 2007

Hi Kevin,

As a newbie to Edubuntu, and being my first (of hopefully many)  
posts, can you confirm that you are using multiple user accounts for  
the kid stations ?


>> I don't mean to be a pain but it might be worth asking the tuxmath
>> developers
>> forum_name=tuxmath-devel
>  I will ask them, but I don't see how just tuxmath could be the
> problem.  It actually happens more often in tuxpaint..... often just
> opening tuxpaint is enough to freeze a client.  Also freezes sometimes
> occur when other gCompris games are being played....
>   If you can get an old machine of
>> any sort, install 7.04, upgrade it to 7.10, then try booting your  
>> thin
>> clients against that, just to see how they work.  Then, when you're
>> satisfied and have a little down-time, you can do the upgrade.
> That is a good idea... I will see if I can find something to do the  
> install on.
> I probably  should have mentioned that I have the machines doing
> auto-login with this version of LDM

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