edu on vmware

matte at matte at
Sat Dec 8 14:42:47 GMT 2007

So on monday a well start trieing to get it work in vmware and ltsp a will
also trie to install a new server with only edu to see if it is the vmware
and ltsp to make it slow ore my network.

A like vmware the first virtulaz i tried and a like it :-)

so get back to you monday with the asware to my slow network ;-)

// matte

On Sat, December 8, 2007 12:43, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2007, matte at wrote:
>> If you have e vmwares server you morer flexiber when new updates
>> arrive. You can install new uppdates and new versions of edu without
>> tuching the old system. Then you can run two edu version togheter in one
>> server to test new versions. and then have the old system standing by if
>> the new one breaks.
> My approach to this is to have two servers, which I am lucky enough to
> have for other reasons. I test as much as I can on one, while production
> is done on the other, using next-server to switch thin clients back and
> forth. I guess not everyone is as lucky :-(
> I'd still personally be a little concerned to use virtualisation for
> ltsp, primarily because of the added complexity (new ways for things to
> break, difficulty for others to understand the setup) and to a lesser
> degree wasted resources.  But if it works for you, fair enough.
>> I run almost all my servers on vmware hosts.
> Out of curiosity, why vmware and not Xen or one of the more supported
> open source virtualisation setups?
> Gavin
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