Remove user profiles

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Thu Aug 30 20:29:51 BST 2007


On Thu, 30 Aug 2007, John Hegarty wrote:

> I want to delete all the various config files in the home folders - all the
> . ones. Rather than go through all 500 folders I'm hoping someone can give
> me a script to run that will clear out the old profiles and allow folk to
> start afresh but still keep their documents, pictures etc.

First up run:

	find /home/ -maxdepth 2 -name '.*' | xargs echo rm -r  | less

and page through the output to make sure it all looks okay.  Then when
you're happy you can run:

	find /home/ -maxdepth 2 -name '.*' | xargs rm -r  


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