TuxPaint won't quit on thin-clients...any ideas?

David Trask dtrask at vcsvikings.org
Wed Aug 29 23:34:03 BST 2007

Edubuntu Devel Group <edubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com> writes:
>> I installed Tuxpaint on the Edubuntu servers yesterday...and have since
>> rebooted.  When the little kids use Tuxpaint...and then try to quit out
>> it....nothing happens....it sits there...unresponsive.  I need to fix
>> this...any ideas?
>If you run it in a terminal and close it do you get any error?

Yes....says it can't find /dev/sequencer    but it does launch and run fine
>It probably shouldn't make any difference but if you turn off sound on a
>thin client, boot it and try it does it make any difference?

Yes....I turned off sound on one of my servers and any thin-client logged
into that server....tuxpaint closed when I quit out of it....every time.

any ideas?  This is driving me nuts....unfortunately I really would rather
not sacrifice the sound...especially in tuxpaint.  We use this a LOT.

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Director
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcsvikings.org

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