Edubuntu 7.04 still not working: thumb drives/local dev

john lists.john at
Mon Aug 20 18:08:26 BST 2007

On 8/18/07, Scott Balneaves <sbalneav at> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 01:34:50PM -0700, john  wrote:
> > Hi Scott et al,
> >
> > I followed your very nice debug steps at
> > and I have some results.
> >
> > I booted the client to the command line by editing my lts.conf file to read:
> >
> > SCREEN_01=shell
> Why?
> The instructions didn't tell you to do that.
Hi Scott,

I did that because that's how I would get to the console on the client
back when I was using LTSP 4.2.  I apologize for not following your
directions exactly. I know that it makes debugging impossible if we
aren't on the same page. Mea culpa.


I followed the steps you've outlined exactly until I reached the step
entitled "Step 4: Can you manually issue a mount command?"

I don't know the right way to approach this. If I do ctrl + alt+F1
login to the thin client as root and  issue the command:

ssh -S /tmp/.ltspfs_socket server "/usr/sbin/ltspfsmounter /tmp add"

I get the following error:

Error: /media/root is not mounted
Error: can't bind mount under /media/root/tmp: already mounted

If I log in to the Gnome desktop as a user in the fuse group (which
would be the only way that I could check the directions "you should
have an icon on your Gnome desktop" since the root user on the console
doesn't have a desktop directory) and issue the same command, i get:

ERROR connecting
Error: /tmp/.john-ltspfs/tmp is not mounted

( as an aside: this step seems ambiguous to me since it isn't clear
how/where the user should be logged in to do this debugging. It would
be helpful to clarify this.)

Again, sorry for not following your advice correctly the first time.

I appreciate your help.


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