[K12OSN] OT - disk clone over network

David Trask dtrask at vcsvikings.org
Thu Aug 16 06:14:12 BST 2007

Clonezilla!  You can use Clonezilla Live CD and do just about
anything....one thing is to upload the master image to a server via ssh
(using Clonezilla) and then use Clonezilla on the rest to pull the image
down.  However....I have DRBL working quite well....here are the
beginnings of my how-to


What I do....is turn off my regular DHCP while imaging on my LAN (for
laptops you could set up a seperate little subnet or LAN) and let the DRBL
server do the DHCP while imaging.  Clonezilla multicast is VERY fast!


I cross-posted this reply as I thought Edubuntu folks might also be
interested....I used this to image MANY Edubuntu desktops.

"Support list for open source software in schools." <k12osn at redhat.com>
>Can anyone recommend an application that I can use to take a good image
>of a laptop and clone other laptops across the network?  I have been
>trying to use DRBL with no luck.  I can't get the clients that boot from
>the network using PXE to see the server and boot.
>Ronald R. McDaniel
>Technology Coordinator
>Conecuh County Schools
>(251) 578-1752 x30
>[ mailto:rmcdaniel at indata.us ]rmcdaniel at indata.us
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>matter least” Goethe_______________________________________________
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David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Director
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcsvikings.org

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