Open Office and System Admin very slow

Shishir Jha shishirjh at
Tue Aug 14 04:38:43 BST 2007

If u have a PIV Machine and 256 MBof RAM, and your computer runs slow, then
I could recommend you use the Alternate version of Ubuntu/Edubuntu. I am not
sure whether Canonical ships it or not, you will have to check that, but it
does help a lot when it comes to Computers with Low RAM, as it is designed
for computers with RAM lower than 256 MB. If you have a fast internet access
then you could download the CD from the internet, if not as suggested by
Jim, using lightweight interface and application does help you.

If you have your desktop effects on, you might want to turn it off, it helps
a lot, because have been using laptops with 192 MB RAM pretty effectively.
Hope it solves your problem.

On 8/14/07, Jim Kronebusch <jim at> wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:30:58 +0530, Kalyani wrote
> > Hi. I have a Pentium 4 machine with 256 MB RAM and 40 GB harddisk. I
> have
> > Edubuntu 7.04 (Fiesty Fawn) loaded on it along with the educational
> software
> > that come with it. The machine runs very slow when I work on open office
> > (word processor, spread sheet) and when I try doing any system admin
> tasks.
> > I mean very, very slow.
> >
> > Does this mean I need more RAM? How much would suffice. I thought 128 MB
> > would be adequate as mentioned on the Edubuntu CD (that came from
> > Cannonical).
> >
> > Is there a way I can make the system go faster using its existing
> resources?
> I haven't actually read what you mention on the Edubuntu CD, but I'll bet
> they are
> referring to 128MB being sufficient for a thin client (which I can assure
> it is).  But
> it looks like the workstation/server you are talking about is running
> Edubuntu stand
> alone at the point (not a thin client).  My experience is that 256MB RAM
> will be
> sluggish with a full featured desktop such as Gnome or KDE.  My advice
> would be to add
> another 256MB RAM if you can or maybe use and OS such as Xubuntu and just
> load the
> educational apps that interest you (if you plan on keeping this machine as
> stand alone).
> If you can't add RAM and really need this machine to run Edubuntu, try
> lighter weight
> office packages such as Abiword and Gnumeric (word processor, spread sheet
> respectively).
> In a terminal run:
> sudo apt-get install abiword gnumeric
> And they should be available for you to try.
> I suppose instead of wiping things out and installing Xubuntu you could:
> sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop       #(this may take a while to
> complete, get coffee)
> And then choose XFCE on login instead of Gnome (or is that metacity?).
> Jim
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Shishir Jha
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