Edubuntu 7.04 still not working: thumb drives/local dev

Jim Kronebusch jim at
Tue Aug 14 04:20:56 BST 2007

> > I am still unable to get thumb drives to work under edubuntu 7.04
> > I am using the linux-image-server kernel 2.6.20-16-server since I have
> > 8 gigs of memory.
> Aside from what the other guys have said already, if you really think this
> relates to the kernel you're using why not get the server to boot the
> generic kernel and see does the problem exist then.  I'll be very surprised
> if that's the issue, but it's worth trying.

I am mounting thumb drives perfectly with the linux-image-server kernel as I need to
support 16GB Ram.  Not saying this isn't the problem in your case (for logical devices
computers often seem very illogical to me) but I can assure it is working perfectly for
me so I would suspect this is not your problem.  I am successfully (at least until
students come back :-) running Edubuntu 7.04 32-bit with linux-image-server on a dual
quad core Xeon machine with a RAID 1+0 array and 6 bonded NIC for ALB.  It probably
doesn't get much more obscure than that :-)

I'll bet the steps Scott provided will reveal the problem.  If not find him on #ltsp at
freenode or something and I'll bet he or someone there will help you solve the problem
in a matter of minutes.


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