Can't log out on server (feisty)

Philipp Hanselmann philipp at
Fri Aug 10 22:30:16 BST 2007


Since one week we using Edubuntu Feisty in our computer lab with 10 computers.

Now since 2 days after a system crash, we have during a SERVER login this message:

#There was an error starting Gnome settings daemon.
#Something such as theme, sounds or background settings may not working correctly.
#Last message:
#Did not receive a reply. possible cause include. the remote applications did not reply. 
#the message bus security policy blocked the reply
#... timeout expired, as the network connection was broken
#Gnome will still try to restart the settings daemon next time you log in.

The login takes now more than 3 minutes until the gnome desktop is appearing. And even if loged in, everything on the server desktop is quite slow. Addistionaly you can't log out, if you click on logout (door symbol) the  session dialog appears, but if you click than on logout, the server screen is freezing. In this state it's only help to reset the x11 screen (CTRL-ALT-Backspace)

* This happens only on the server (gdm) !
* The thin clients computer working 100% normally (ldm)
* If you login with the SAME user on a thin client everything is working.

On the top of edubuntu we have installed addistional  packages like: squid, apache, dovecot, squirrelmail, imap, multimedia programs, shorewall, adobe reader, flash player, SOS Wikipedia and more (=3 GByte). All this get installed and configured by an automatic installation script.

I already check some system logs, but up to now I don't know what could cause this behaviour?

Does somebody had the same messages or do you have a clue what goes wrong here?


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Philipp Hanselmann
philipp at
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