Turn off encryption from client to server?

Todd O'Bryan toddobryan at mac.com
Fri Aug 3 22:04:12 BST 2007

Thanks to Scott Balneaves and Jim Kronebusch. Jim responded directly to me, probably bitten by the fact that the Reply button doesn't reply to the list. (Can I tell you how many times I've sent things to individuals, rather than a list, because of lists that make this choice...) I've included his answer below:

On Fri, 03 Aug 2007 15:56:48 -0400, Todd O'Bryan wrote
> Hey all!
> School starts next week for me and I'm wondering if there's an easy way
> to turn off the SSH encryption between the thin clients and the server.
> The whole lab is on a self-contained network behind the server and I
> just don't need the security. I'm hoping that not making the clients do
> the extra bit of work to decrypt the video from the server will speed
> things up a little. The lab works wonderfully, but, especially with
> video or animation (I teach programming.), a little extra speed would be
> a nice thing indeed.

Download the new ldm from:


Then replace the current /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/sbin/ldm with the new one (make a backup
copy just in case).  Then modify your /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf and add the following:


Reboot your clients and you're ready to rock.

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