Gcompris - Tuxpaint

Scott Balneaves sbalneav at legalaid.mb.ca
Fri Aug 3 04:14:15 BST 2007

On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 06:51:05AM +0530, Kalyani wrote:
> First, thanks to Jim and Scot who responded to my earlier mail on this. I
> still need help and have tried to be more specific here:
> I do not have Tuxpaint in my Gcompris (fiesty fawn). I have copied the
> Tuxpaint folder onto my desktop from a CD (not the Edubuntu CD). Now, what
> do I do to get this into Gcompris? I am new to Linux so detailed
> instructions would  help!

It is absolutely, utterly impossible to give you detailed instructions, because I have
no idea what you've got there.  What cd is this you copied the tuxpaint from?  Is it
the source code for tuxpaint?  A binary?  I've got no clue.  If it's from a different
Linux distro, it may or may not work with edubuntu.

More to the point, you say you have no access to the internet from this box, but
obviously you have SOME kind of access to the internet, as you're posting to this list.
Why exactly can't you use this access to get tuxpaint on the box, or, alternatively,
download the edubuntu second cd that has the tuxpaint on it?

We need more info than what you've given us.


Scott L. Balneaves | "Eternity is a very long time,
Systems Department |  especially towards the end."
Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Woody Allen

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