Need help writing a simple script to chown files

Jim Kronebusch jim at
Thu Aug 2 20:17:25 BST 2007

On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 11:26:15 -0700, john wrote
> Thanks Jim,
> By the way are your students using unix or are they using Windows and
> dropping stuff to a SAMBA share? If SAMBA why did you chose the method
> of preserving file ownership your mentioned rather than using some
> switch in smb.conf like "force create mode ="?
> I am just wondering since I have been toying with the idea of a
> "dropbox" as well.
> Thanks for your help!

They dropped with Unix, Samba and AFP (Linux, Mac OS9, Mac OSX and Windows).  Ownership
also depended on where they dropped the files.  If dropped in teacherx's folder it
needed to be owned by teacherx, if dropped in teachery's folder owned by teachery.  I am
not aware of the "force create mode =" switch and it's capability, maybe that would have
been a better solution.

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