Need help writing a simple script to chown files

john lists.john at
Thu Aug 2 17:44:26 BST 2007

Hi all,

I need help with a script that will look at the contents of a directory
and change the file ownership to be the same as the name of the file. I am using
this for our student server migration.

I used robocopy to copy the files copy over just fine, but samba makes
me the owner of the files.
like so:

drwx------  8 john_s domain users 4096 2007-08-01 15:26 STUDENT_A
drwx------ 10 john_s domain users 4096 2007-08-01 15:26 ANOTHERSTU_b

Luckily each directory name is the same as the user who should own the file.
So what I want to do is have a script that goes recursively through and
chown's -R the directory called STUDENT_A to be owned STUDENT_A etc.

So that it looks like:

drwx------  8 student_a domain users 4096 2007-08-01 15:26 STUDENT_A
drwx------ 10 ANO_STU_B domain users 4096 2007-08-01 15:26 ANO_STU_B

I am sure this should be really easy but my attempts to do this have

Anyway, any thoughts would be appreciated!



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