Day of "reckoning" :-)

Jim Kronebusch jim at
Thu Aug 2 05:48:43 BST 2007

> To those who are inclined, kindly fill-in:

> 1. Name of school
Cotter High School and Junior High School

> 2. Location (in my case, I am from Candelaria (Municipality), Quezon (Province)
> , Philippines (Country)
Winona, MN 55987

> 3. Private? or Public School?

> 4. Student population? (Approximate will do)

> 5. How many students are using the computer lab?
Every student, not simultaneously, but every students has some time every week in front
of a computer.

> 6. Grade-level? Grade school? High School?
7-8 at the Junior High
9-12 at the Senior High

> 5. How many clients per server?
108 total clients on one server right now.

30 Senior High School Main Lab
15 Senior High School Media Center
11 Senior High School Secondary Lab
5  Senior High School Learning Center
1  Senior High School Counseling Office (College Entry Exams, Web Forms, Research)
30 Junior High School Main Lab
10 Junior High School Main Lab
4  Dormatory Lounge
2  Kiosks

> 6. How long have you implemented Edubuntu (years? months?)
Hah, there is the catch :-)  This system has just been installed and this will be our
first school year on it.  Schools starts end of August.  I hope to post our success
story around October.

> I realize this is asking much of your time. But it will help a lot to push for 
> this, as part of my overall goal, aside from the cost-savings for the school,
>  is to use our school as a test-bed, or a pilot program, that could help me 
> convince the Provincial Governor here to implement this province-wide. 
>  Hopefully, with your help, even on a wider-scale.  At least, if I am to have 
> more than a few sleepless nights as part of my learning-curve, it might as 
> well have as many beneficiaries. :-)

Excellent goal.  I have sort of the same motive here.  I have been running K12LTSP at a
smaller school for 3 years now.  They were a new startup school with only 30 students
and minimal staff.  However they have used Linux and LTSP 100% since their inception 
for all student, staff, and administration.  They have used 100% open source 
applications.  And in 3 years the only time I have visited is to install a new 
application on the server, and to do upgrades in the summer.  If it works for them, it 
will work for anyone, the only difference is others may have to make and adjust to a 
change, that is the hard part.

This will be my first Edubuntu install.  If this goes well I will post success stories
in our local papers and really start pushing the concept on all schools both private 
and public in our area.  I just installed 108 brand new thin clients (DevonIT 6020p 
w/17" Flat Screens) and a server for $45,000 while increasing our software base ten 
fold from where it was before and now will only have to manage a single machine.  I 
hope this works :-)  So far my testing has gone perfect.

Next year we will convert all teacher machines over to modified fat clients 
(approximately 60 more machines diskless remote booting an image to full workstations 
and the image will be authenticating users via LDAP and automounting /home and other 
public shares and mounting the local hard drive as a scratch disk mounted as /scratch 
for working with large projects such as video).

Good luck.

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