edubuntu login problem

Uwe Geercken uwe.geercken at
Tue Apr 24 08:14:48 BST 2007

I found a strange problem at home. I installed edubuntu 7.04 on a laptop and
created user accounts for the family. I verfied, that they can login on the

when I boot to LTSP from a different machine - a workstation - they can login to
the system. all ok so far.

now if I am on the remote system and then switch to the console using CTRL-F2
(so I am using the non-graphical login), then no one can log in?

the machines are next to each other hooked up to the same switch. no firewall is
running (yet).

is there a reason for this behaviour? or is this a question of settings?

thanks for your help.


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