removing packages for edubuntu on old pcs (edubuntu for day care, philippines)

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Mon Sep 25 15:49:24 BST 2006

On Mon, 25 Sep 2006, maning sambale wrote:

> > Looking at your list, I notice you have OpenOffice, Abiword and
> > Gnumeric.  If you can afford to stick with the latter two and remove
> > the OpenOffice components, I suspect that should save you about 200MB.
> I guess you're right, are there any OOo Impress alternative, 

one or two, but they may not be powerpoint compatible:

> slide presentation is commonly used for obvious reasons.  I would like to
> show to the teachers that old pcs can still be used for most office
> applications.

I guess you don't have a budget for a thin client server so you could use
the low-end pcs as thin clients?  That would be the ideal solution.

You could of course remove abiword and gnumeric if you need and can stick
with OOo but the disk space gain is not as good.

> By the way, I found some good children's books from the ICDL site [1].
> The have a number of pdf books in Filipino.  Downloading some books the,
> site tells me I need the Adobe Acrobat's DRM plugin.  Thta means I cannot
> use them for my day-care pcs.

The only answer I can think of for this is to see if acrobat for windows
with the plugin might run in wine.


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